Adventures anew at RAF Digby

In a first since the pandemic, Lincolnshire students from St George’s Academy in Ruskington visited RAF Digby to learn vital new skills, push themselves out of their comfort zones and discover the magic of Blue Skies.
Reaching new heights
Climbing walls and goalsetting aren’t normally symbiotic, unless that is they’re part of a Blue Skies programme! During students’ first session at RAF Digby, the climbing wall was used to demonstrate how to set and achieve realistic goals, with every student achieving their own target by the end of the day. In the spirit of Easter, FS Stunell added sneaky extra motivation by hiding chocolate eggs all over the wall for the students to climb and find!
Stepping back in time
RAF Digby’s Sector Operations Room Museum presented an opportunity to bring to life the region’s rich history for our students. The Operations Room played a crucial role in defending Lincolnshire during the Second World War and is one of only two remaining examples in the country (Uxbridge is the other). This was a very special experience for the students who were fascinated by the history and inspired by the teams of women who were specially selected for their ability to plot and analyse the progress of aircraft during the war.
Ask me anything
The students finished the day with a fascinating intelligence brief and question time with RAF Digby’s Station Commander, Wg Cdr Damien Todd. The students certainly kept him on his toes with questions such as ‘Do you know the King?’, and ‘How can I do your job?’.
Despite not knowing the King (!), Wg Cdr Todd inspired the students and offered an insight into his process of becoming a Station Commander, saying: “One of your first goals should be to engage in these JET sessions and your schoolwork, and maybe even become an Air Cadet to see if you enjoy it.” The main takeaway for the students: there are lots of steppingstones to success.
Triumphs and Accolades
Judy Johnson, Key Stage 3 Learning Mentor at St George’s Academy heaped praise on the team at RAF Digby for a brilliant and well-planned day: “Sgt Mel Heaton went above and beyond to ensure this visit was successful and her clear fondness for children really shone through, she was exemplary. The students really enjoyed all activities, in particular the climbing wall. The students gained a lot from this visit and have more understanding of the RAF and the possibilities of this being an option for them when they leave school. This knowledge raises aspirations and improves target setting.”