A message from our CEO, Dr Emma Egging

A message from our CEO, Dr Emma Egging

We have an important message from our CEO which we would like to share:

At the Jon Egging Trust we recognise that inequalities exist in society, many of which are deeply entrenched and go back generations. This doesn’t mean they are acceptable. We believe that regardless of gender, the colour of your skin, sexuality, faith or age everyone in the communities we serve deserves to be treated equally and with respect. Valuing and supporting each other and striving towards creating a life which is fairer for all, are life-skills and an ethos we promote in our young people through our programmes and is core to our existence as an organisation. Like so many, we have been saddened by the tragic events in America and we would like to add our voice to the millions of others out there shouting support for #blacklivesmatter. We will also continue to make sure that as an organisation long-term change towards a more equal society is something we promote and work towards. Together we can make a difference and the Jon Egging Trust is committed to being part of that change for the better.