Bournemouth Air Festival 2016 – a time for remembrance and celebration

Our JET team of staff and volunteers had a busy weekend of events in Bournemouth for the Air Festival, with this year being particularly significant as it marked the fifth anniversary of Jon’s tragic death.
On Saturday 20th August a memorial service and ribbon tying ceremony were held at Jon’s memorial sculpture which becomes a focal point during the Air Festival at which people remember Jon.
Speaking before the event Dawn Egging, Jon’s mother and JET trustee said “I’m delighted that Jon’s memory is being celebrated at the sculpture in such a poignant way. It’s hard to believe it’s now five years. In some ways it feels like yesterday, and in others, much longer because of how much the Trust has achieved. I only wish Jon could be here to see what has been realised in his name – he would absolutely love it and be so proud. What’s wonderful is that there are two memorials – the one on the cliff top here in Bournemouth, and JET itself – which is an enduring and positive testimonial to Jon’s dreams and aspirations”.
The memorial service was attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Bournemouth, the Red Arrows, Ben Murphy of the Blades Aerobatic team, Georgia Turner of Bournemouth Council, representatives from SUAS (Southampton University Air Squadron (Jon and Emma were former members) who were volunteering with JET during the course of the Air Festival) alongside JET staff, volunteers and two of our Blue Skies students Alfie and Gabrielle, both aged 13. Members of the public also gathered to pay their respects outside the perimeter fence.

Monty “Red 1” ties his memorial ribbon

Mayor of Bournemouth Councillor Edward Coope ties his memorial ribbon

Members of the JET team gather to tie their ribbons

Ben Murphy of the Blades Aerobatic team steps up to tie his ribbon
Speaking about their experience of Blue Skies, Gabrielle said “I’ve benefited from Blue Skies, I look back and can feel the confidence I’ve gained and my teamwork skills have improved. Teamwork has helped me to look at being able to complete challenges where before I would have been too shy. My school life has improved and out of school, I’m more willing to try different things.”
Alfie went on to say “Blue Skies has helped me loads. I now feel able to do anything. Since Blue Skies, I’ve done teamwork and feel more confident with my friends. I enjoyed the orienteering and felt confident enough to help my team. At school I’ve been able to concentrate more and really enjoyed the opportunities I’ve had. There’s been so much interesting stuff. My mum was worried about me joining Blue Skies but she’s pleased now.” Alfie’s father Nigel has noticed the change in him too, commenting “Alfie has become more expressive and more interactive. He’s become so much more outward looking. Before he joined, we were anxious about Alfie but we can see he’s maturing and growing up. He’s progressing and growing week on week. He’s a great kid but I’m not so worried about him now.”

Dorset JETLO Kaye with Blue Skies students Gabrielle and Alfie
Elllie Orton, our Interim CEO helped to sum up the impact JET is having: “In the 5 years since Jon tragically lost his life the Trust set up in his name has achieved a great deal. We are now helping young people in five regions across the country to realise their potential and be the best they can be. This year 195 students graduated from our Blue Skies programme, and over 7000 benefited from our Inspirational Outreach programme which connected them to inspirational mentors including National Air Traffic Services, Wessex Archeology, Cobham Aviation, Test Pilots from Empire Test Pilots’ School at MOD Boscombe Down and the Red Arrows. We are continuing to expand and aim to be in nine regions working with over 10000 young people per year by 2020.”

SUAS at memorial service

Blue Skies students, Ellie Orton Interim CEO, Mayor and Mayoress of Bournemouth and Red Arrows
But all this fantastic work would simply not be possible without our generous supporters and so we are truly grateful to the RAF for accommodating us and making us feel so welcome once again in the RAF village at the Air Festival. The unpredictable British weather (gale force winds, torrential rain, occasional sunshine) didn’t put the crowds off and as always it was wonderful to meet so many keen aviation enthusiasts and JET supporters. Thank you to each and every one of you who showed your support.
Through merchandise sales and donations over the course of the weekend we raised over £5800 and with money still to come in from other events, including JET being an Air Festival beneficiary charity, the total should stand nearer £20,000. This is an absolutely incredible figure and we are so grateful for everyone’s support to help us fund our inspirational and life changing work for young people across the country.

JET volunteers with SW Fundraising Officer Vicki
We must say special thank yous to the Bournemouth Red Arrows Association who have done so much to support JET. On the Thursday evening they put on a BBQ in aid of JET which was attended by the Red Arrows and Dawn and they raised over £1000. Thank you to the Marsham Court Hotel for their wonderful hospitality event on the Friday and in particular to Jane, Rosie and Nigel. Thank you to everyone who joined us and helped us to raise £1000. And last but not least a big thank you to the Bournemouth International Centre and BHLive for hosting a hospitality day on Saturday in support of JET. We had a superb time and raised a fantastic £440.

Red Arrows’ Emmet wins the JET bear at the BBRA (Bournemouth Red Arrows Association) BBQ
We will be in Bournemouth again next year, so mark this date in your diaries now – Bournemouth Air Festival 2017: 31st August – 3rd September 2017.