Bournemouth Red Arrow Association helps more young people pursue their dreams

JET received a cheque for £4,800 at Bournemouth University last week, where a group of 13-year olds from Glenmoor & Winton Academy were learning about forensics and teamwork as part of a Blue Skies youth engagement programme.
Dawn Egging, mother of Jon Egging and a JET trustee, received the cheque from the Bournemouth Red Arrow Association (BRAA) Chairman, Ian Vincent. The association raised the funds from a ‘Dinner with the pilots’ event they’d held at the Bournemouth Air Festival in August 2019.
Dawn was delighted to receive the cheque and said:
“On behalf of JET, I would like to give our sincere thanks to the BRAA for their continued support of our programmes. We are so grateful to receive this latest donation which will help to fund our work with the young people of Bournemouth”.
Ian commented:
“What an honour it is to be invited to join the Blue Skies Session and to see how donated money is put to good use. BRAA members are delighted to be in a position to hand over the donation raised at the Dinner with the Pilots.”
The funds will mean JET can help more young people in challenging circumstances overcome difficulties, identify their strengths and work towards their ambitions. £4,800 will help towards the costs of running sessions within our youth programmes. Blue Skies and Inspirational Outreach give attendees the skills, aspirations and confidence they need to pursue their dreams.