First Students Graduate from JET’s West Midlands Blue Skies Programme

On Friday 16th March, 12 Students (ages 12-13) from Charlton School, became the first ever to graduate from JET’s West Midlands Blue Skies Programme. As part of the graduation, each student gave a short presentation about their experiences and what they have gained from being a part of the Blue Skies programme, in front of their peers, family members and RAF Personnel.
“I have really enjoyed being part of the Blue Skies programme. It has made me think about my own attitude to learning. I have realised that I can do anything I want to if I stay motivated.” – Porsche, 13
In the West Midlands, the programme is run in partnership with RAF Cosford, so it was fitting that Group Captain Tone Baker, Station Commander of RAF Cosford presented the students with their awards on the day of the graduation, which was held at the RAF Museum, Cosford. JET CEO, Dr Emma Egging was also there to congratulate the first students to graduate in the West Midlands.
“The Jon Egging Trust gives young people a vital sense of possibility and purpose, helping them to grow in confidence and self esteem. Everyone deserves the chance to be the best they can be, and I am so proud to see how positively these students have responded when given that chance. We want to give that opportunity to as many as possible. This is our seventh region and we are aiming to work in 9 regions and help 10,000 young people a year by 2020.” – JET CEO, Dr Emma Egging
Over the past five months, Blue Skies has linked the students with inspirational individuals and environments connected to aviation, science and engineering, such as developing teamwork skills whilst rescuing fellow students in a dinghy drill pool exercise, learning communication skills on a navigation day, and problem solving whilst building a metre spanned glider. This has increased their confidence and communication ability by over 90%, as well as improving their attitude to learning.
“This programme has helped me work much better with other people. I am much more confident because my ideas have been listened to. I also think that I have better communication skills because I can see how important it is for everyone to listen and be listened to.” – Cydney, 13
Congratulations to all the young people from Charlton School who have graduated from our first Blue Skies programme in the West Midlands!