JET’s Festive Fundraising

Use JET’s Festive Fundraising guide to inspire you to raise money for JET this Christmas.
Christmas jumper day
Ask your colleagues/ pupils/ friends to dig out their tackiest Christmas jumper and ask for a £1 donation for taking part.
Guess the weight of the Christmas cake
Know someone who loves to bake? Ask them to make a Christmas cake and host a competition to guess the weight of the cake. Charge entry per go, the winner gets to keep the cake!
Christmas Raffle
We all have that draw full of last year’s unwanted Christmas presents. Why not ask your colleagues, friends or family to each donate a prize? If you work in an office, why not ask the management team to donate a day’s a holiday or for them to be your slave for the day!
Christmas Party
Make use of the office Christmas party, hold a raffle or charge an entrance fee, hold a quiz or a ‘skills’ auction – who knows what secret talents your colleagues have!
Present Wrapping
Struggling for time at home to wrap all those gifts? Why not organise a team of volunteers to set up a present wrapping station in the office and charge £1 to wrap gifts?
Whatever you decide, be sure to get in touch to let us know how you are supporting JET this Christmas!
Contact your local Fundraising Officer today on: