Lee, aged 15

Lee* was a student on our three-year Blue Skies programmes at Robert May’s School in Hampshire. His headteacher, Rea Mitchell, tells us how the support he has received from JET has helped him grow both socially and emotionally, with tangible positive benefits to his education and future employment prospects:
“Lee struggled with his confidence early in his time at RMS. He has always been a polite and personable student however struggled to find his place and contribute verbally in lessons. The progress made since joining the JET programme has been immense. He now contributes regularly in lessons, has a broad and diverse friendship group and is a highly valued member of our school community.
“The knock-on effect to his emotional wellbeing is obvious to see and he has developed a range of interpersonal skills that will hold him in good stead as he moves towards the next stages of his educational career.”