Having joined JET in September 2023, I feel immensely lucky to be working with such an important charity and to be part of such a dynamic and caring team. The opportunities that the Jon Egging Trust gives the young people on its programmes is more important than ever, and I am proud to be part of a charity that makes a meaningful and lifechanging impact on the lives of the young people we work with every day.
In 2022, I graduated with a PGCE in Secondary Education from The University of Buckingham, this alongside my several years’ working both academically and pastorally at secondary level has given me the perfect experiences to bring into my work at JET. I believe that a child’s development outside of the classroom, is equally important to what they learn academically, and that every child, regardless of their experiences, deserves opportunities which can broaden their minds to what they can achieve and aim for.
Alongside my work for JET, I am undertaking a Masters in Fine Art, with the focus of my work being around the connection between wellbeing and creativity. This, although not directly connected to my work with JET, influences and underpins the creativity which I bring into the sessions and programmes that I take into schools.
My goal at JET is to help all the children on the Dorset programmes realise their capability to reach their full potential, and that crucially, my job is to give them the tools and support to help them achieve that potential themselves.