On your marks, JET set!

On the eve of JETRide 2023, we take a look at some of the highlights of this year’s cycling sportive, as 200 riders get set to saddle up in support of our young people. Air power First up, we’re delighted that 12 University Air Squadrons across the U.K. have embraced this year’s challenge with gusto, with teams taking part across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. With the new term making it tricky for many to travel to Lincolnshire, the squadrons have come up with novel ways to take on the challenge remotely, including East of Scotland UAS who are riding 100 miles on Peleton bikes in the Red Arrows’ classic ‘diamond nine’ formation (wow!), and Oxford USA who have planned a mountain bike challenge in Swinley Forest. As some of our highest fundraisers in this year’s ride, we’re immensely grateful for such incredible UAS support, and we doff our [cycling] caps to you all. Thank you for everything you’re doing for our young people! MEPs be ‘avin you! Another new addition for 2023 is the support of the fabulous team at Myzone. Forget speed, cadence and watts; Myzone is all about measuring performance through effort, or MEPs (Myzone Effort Points). In the Myzone world, the only person you’re out to beat, is yourself! Founder and CEO – Lincolnshire’s own Dave Wright – is promoting a whole new brand of JETRide to his millions of worldwide users, in the shape of the JETRide Myzone MEP Challenge. Run, cycle, row or cartwheel (!) – it’s the effort that counts, and participants can sign up to complete either 500 or 1,000 MEPs throughout the day. Honour the past, support the future As ever, JETRide’s heart lies in rural Lincolnshire, where JET’s close relationship with the RAF is taking centre stage again this year. Tomorrow’s 60 and 100 mile routes are both RAF Heritage Trails, shining a spotlight on Bomber County’s rich military history. We’re very lucky at JET to have our own little history buff in our ranks, in the shape of our Comms and Events Officer, history graduate, Lottie Almey. Lottie has delved into the hidden history of ten sites along the routes and created fascinating info boards about the greater and lesser-known stories that lie behind the place names. Please do embrace the trail and take a moment to remember those who have served our nation. Who will you be riding for? And finally For those who thought they’d left it too late to sign up – never fear! If you’re taken with the sudden urge to join us tomorrow, we’d be delighted to welcome you at the start line at RAF College Cranwell from 0730 tomorrow morning, where on-the-day sign up is available. Really, what’s stopping you?! Good luck to everyone taking part in – and supporting – JETRide tomorrow; a heartfelt thank you to you all! Ends