Trustee Dan overcomes adversity to complete personal challenge

Dan Tye is a JET trustee who has a background in outdoor adventure, aviation and journalism. He learnt to fly with Jon on the Southampton University Air Squadron and in the RAF. As well as sharing a love of flying, the pair also enjoyed hiking and running in the mountains. Dan is proud that this ethos of ‘reaching new heights’ lives on through our Blue Skies and Inspirational Outreach programmes. Assisting us with our PR and media activity, Dan also encourages fundraising through adventurous challenges.

Dan and Jon in the Brecon Beacons in 1999
However, Dan is no stranger to overcoming adversity himself and in October 2013, he came off a motorcycle at the bottom of the M1, breaking his leg, arm and pelvis. It was a long and hellish road to recovery. “At times I was angry, impatient, depressed and demoralised. Sometimes I thought I’d never be able to run or hike again.”
Nevertheless, on 23rd September, nearly three years after his accident, Dan set off for the Yorkshire Dales to take part in the Rab Mountain Marathon, an event he promised himself to try if he ever fully recovered. Entering the ‘A’ class (one below ELITE) which covers 60km with 2800m of ascent over two days. No GPS is allowed, just a map and compass although the exact route isn’t revealed to the competitors until the night before. Carrying his tent, stove, sleeping bag and all his food as there were no aid stations, Dan hiked for 11.5 hours on day one and 5 hours on the second day to complete the course. “Hand on heart this is the toughest thing I’ve ever done but there were times when I really didn’t think I’d be able to do anything like this and I’m relieved that I can.”
Well done Dan and thank you for allowing us to share your own story.
If you’ve been inspired to take on your own challenge and raise funds for JET we’d love to hear from you and help support you. Please contact us on