Win Prudential Ride London 2020 places!

Fantastic News!! JETRide is Proud to announce that it now has 2 places in the 2020 prudential ride London sportive to give away! This incredible closed road event has 25000 spaces and last year there were over 80,000 applicants!
You can avoid the ballots and expense of getting a place in Ride London by winning one of the 2 places that Jon Egging Trust has to offer. One of them will go to the JETRide rider who raises the most sponsorship money for the JETRide*. The second place will go to the first out of the hat in a draw that anyone that raises over £300 for JETRide will be automatically entered into*.
Now that the evenings are getting lighter and spring is springing, it is time to challenge yourself! Get out on your bike and use your energy to help others! Start fundraising and bag yourself a place in the most spectacular and prestigious UK cycling sportive!
Click Here to start a JETRide fundraising page
*to be entered into the competition you must be raising funds on a recongnised fundraising site and be fundraising solely for Jon Egging Trust. Fundraising must be complete by 1 December 2019 and winners will be announced by 15 December 2019