The 9th March saw another Inspiration Day at MOD Boscombe Down for Team JET.
This time our Level 2 students from Glenmoor and Winton School were challenged to develop leadership skills by Rob De Silva and Dickie Henderson of Dark Blu Inc. The students were given all sorts of different problems to solve in teams. Students learnt the importance of fully understanding the challenge before diving in, sharing ideas about how to approach the tasks as well as take the lead at different times. Molly, 14 said “I learnt the importance of trial and error and not to give up if things go wrong.”
The aim of the day was to understand what qualities are required to be a leader, how to best support a leader and the importance of communication and playing a part in the team. Charley, 14 said “I am taking away that it is important to give things a go and be a leader”
In the afternoon the students were taken round the Air Traffic Control Tower by Flt Lt Amy Milton and shown how planes are looked after across the country by Air Traffic Control and the importance of communication and team work in that job, which the students found very interesting.