February has seen the launch of a new Inspirational Outreach at Twynham School in Christchurch, Dorset. Year 9 have already been treated to an assembly by Des Day from Supply Shack on the importance of Motivation and Year 10 were also inspired earlier this month by Spike Jepson from Cobham who spoke about his time leading the Red Arrows.
Today a group of year 9 and 10 boys have had a session with Toby Pestridge from Createful, talking about the development of technology and how young people today are the heart of the burgeoning development of the digital world. They were set an App designing challenge where they had to take an Audience, a Purpose and a method of technology to plan, design and promote an app they had developed – Dragon’s Den style.
Students learnt about planning for audience, the elevator pitch and how companies decide which ideas to take forward.
Kyle, 15 said, “I loved designing our own app. I’ve learnt that only you can change your life and I wish the session had gone on longer.”
Through a rope exercise the students’ ideas, creativity and communication were put to the test, leading to the conclusion that sometimes we have to be the master of our own solutions. Danny, 13 said “I really enjoyed the rope challenge, I have learnt to take part in things.”
Students who had arrived feeling less than confident or engaged, left inspired, enthused and excited for our next session in May.
Inspirational Mentor Toby Pestridge of Createful said “It was a pleasure and a privilege to work alongside the Jon Egging Trust team, helping facilitate a session to enthuse, engage and inspire young people. Through ice breakers, team building exercises and practical hands-on sessions, it was clear to see the tangible difference the Trust is making.”