Ten students at Thomas Middlecott Academy in Kirton spent some quality time at RAF Digby following five sessions in their school setting that had focused upon “Teamwork, resilience and confidence.” The visit to the base allowed the young people to apply what they had been working on in a completely new environment with different challenges to face.
It is the first time JET has been welcomed by RAF Digby to use their indoor climbing wall and sports facilities. FS Stephen Henderson (aka Jai) provided such a positive environment for the students. The trust and openness that they were shown at the base gave them the opportunities they needed to reinforce personal responsibility and integrity as well as giving them the confidence in an unfamiliar setting.
“I’m so happy to help. It’s important to support them, it’s hard at this age. It’s good to see them push themselves and go that extra step out of their comfort zone.” – FS Stephen Henderson (Jai)
After a comprehensive warm-up, including bouldering (free from the harness), the students were safety briefed and instructed on the use of the climbing wall. The variety of experiences and feelings that this evoked alone was amazing to witness. Instructor Jai asked what success would be today? To which the group unfolded that it would be personal to each one of them.
The support that the students showed for each other was great. Hayden used constant positive talk to support his partner, reinforcing
“You can do it Marcin…your next step is just up a bit…that’s it…well done!” -Hayden, 15
Two students showed real courage as they battled through their fears to trust themselves to let go of the wall. It was both physically and mentally challenging for them. The both returned to the wall afterwards having gained the confidence and determination to face the wall again.
“I’m finding it hard to get the technique…but I’m going to have another go – Ryan, 14
Just before lunch the students had the opportunity to see and have access to the facilities in the gym. Managing their own time and taking responsibility in an adult manner, the students took up the opportunity to play indoor football, basketball and try out some of the gym equipment. Martynas achieved 13 pull ups!!! Whilst the girls navigated the controls to get the high steppers working.