Level 2 students demonstrate their best qualities at RAF Cranwell

Level 2 students demonstrate their best qualities at RAF Cranwell

The Blue Skies Level 2 students arrived for a fun packed day at a sunny and warm RAF Cranwell. In the morning they learned how to construct CVs and how to demonstrate their best qualities during a potential work interview. This was great preparation for them entering work experience in Level 3.

After refuelling at lunch it was straight over to the high ropes course, a perfect way to end the day. However it was not all fun and games as the high ropes has a great way of bringing that shaky feeling and fear that most people seem to discover as birds soar beneath them. It was amazing to watch the students demonstrate all the qualities they have learnt in previous sessions. Some lead the group through demonstrations and then coached the more nervous ones through the course. Great to see…keep it up Jet 2’s!