Christmas is just days away but that didn’t stop students from Canalfan Addysg Y Bont from visiting Holyhead Fire Station as a part of this term’s topic ‘Emergency services’.
Firefighters from Holyhead Fire Station planned a fun afternoon for the students, beginning with a presentation about the importance of fire alarms in the home and the need to test them weekly.
The students found out about the specialist clothing that firefighters have to wear in different scenarios and even got a chance to try on some of the kit.
The students were very eager to look around the different fire engines based at Holyhead and see what specialist equipment each one holds.
“I liked sitting in the driver’s seat on the fire engine” – Kieran
They were especially entertained watching the firefighters in a pretend drill whilst they demonstrated how to work the hoses to ensure a steady flow of water and were extremely pleased to have a go themselves.
“I really liked spraying the water” – Jono
A fantastic way to end the term.
“The afternoon went very well. It’s great to see how excited they were to see the fire engine and have a go on the hose.” Firefighter Paddington