‘A career in medical science is broader than you ever thought possible!’

‘A career in medical science is broader than you ever thought possible!’

Girls at Holly Hall Academy listened with fascination to the career of Dr Ruth Shiner who is an associate academic dean at the University of Wolverhampton. She provided students with the story of her life as a local school girl from the same area as them and described the interesting work she had been involved in during her time as a research scientist specialising in vascular physiology. The girls were able to ask questions and deepen their awareness and understanding of the educational routes and career opportunities available to scientists today.

“I learned so much about careers options and making the right choices to keep you passionate and motivated in work.”  Laura, Holly Hall student

Ruth inspired and motivated a new generation of local black country girls to pursue careers in medical science.

“I would like to say a very big thank-you for coming into the school to speak to our students. The feedback is amazing. I would most definitely say that you have sparked lots of future questions along with raising the girls aspirations.” Zoe Turton Head of Careers